10 best free newspaper templates for Blogger 2015-2016

Looking for free newspaper templates for blogger. Here are the 10 best free newspaper templates for Blogger 2015-2016
Blogger is one of the major blogging platform in all over the globe. Blogger is used for personal blogs as well as for business and it is also used by professionals. Now it have wide range of best blogger templates and blogger widgets When we create a blog then the first thing we should have to do is find a best quality and excellent blogger template for it. The most popular style of blogspot templates among bloggers is Magazine styled responsive blogger templates and free newspaper templates for blogger. Many developers also convert wordpress templates into blogger templates because they inspired from these wordpress templates.
If we search on google for blogger templates then we get thousands of blogger themes templates in which some are premium and some are free. Therefore, it is very hard for anyone to select one  template from thousands. So, for you friends we done the hard job and here in this post we have collected 10 best free newspaper templates for Blogger. Lets check them out the news blogger templates.

10 best free newspaper templates for Blogger 2015

RealMag  Newspaper Blogger Template

RealMag is one of thr best template for news site. It is three column template and this the reason which make him best news template.
RealMag  Newspaper Blogger Template

Modern Mag newspaper style blogger template

Modern Mag is one of the best template, which ideal for those news and entertainment sites which have videos along with text content. It has two sidebars, left and right.
Modern Mag newspaper style blogger template


Sleekify is best two column blogger template with beautiful outlook. The template is fully responsive and also has slider which you can use to ahowcase your trending content and news.

Easy News – Free Responsive Newspaper Blogger Template

Well, easy news also best blogger nees template. I Think this template is best if you have site completely related to news. This is also 2 column sidebar blogger template at left and right both sides.

Download | Demo

Easy News – Free Responsive Newspaper Blogger Template

Simplex Newspaper II 

Simplex newspaper ii is also one of the best and ideal template for news and latest trending sites. According to me this template is best for that site who is multi niche news site.
Simplex Newspaper II

Magnificent Blogger Template

Magnificent is neat and clean template for blogger with 4 columns. This template has a premium design and look but it don't have those featurrs which the above templates have.

Download | Demo

Magnificent Blogger Template

Fx News Blogger Template

Fx News Blogger Template

NewsMag Blogger template

Blogger News Times – Blogger Template

Blogger News Times – Blogger Template

Johny Magazine Blogger Template

Johny Magazine Blogger Template


Techify is best blogger template premium design. Techify is awesome magazine and news style blogger template..
TECHIFY blogger templates

Portify Blogger template

Portify is one of the best blogspot template for magazine and news blogger sites. It is well-structured template and have friendly admin area.

From editor's desk

Hope that you like this post and also you find a useful free newspaper template for your blog from the above 10 best free newspaper templates for Blogger. Let us know what you think about these blogger templates and also if you have any problem with any of the above templates. We should help you within 24 hours.
10 best free newspaper templates for Blogger 2015-2016 10 best free newspaper templates for Blogger 2015-2016 Reviewed by Maher Afrasiab on 6:52:00 pm Rating: 5


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    1. thanks for sharing your thoughts... cheer :cheer:

  2. This is really amazing collection of blogger templates because some of them have great features that help newbies to setup one professional blog.
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    1. Thanks Asif, and yes these templates are very easy to customize and newbies can easily use these news blogger templates

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  4. Thanks Nahidul and don't forget to checkout the more blogger templates collection

  5. Hello, that's really a very good blog post, we will refer our students to use this template on their blog, thanks

    1. Thanks Yaduvanshi but there is another huge list of templates which I compiled. You can also check it: http://www.pakmax.net/2014/10/best-free-blogger-templates.html

  6. Which do u think will work perfectly for my site

    1. you can choose which you think that it will be best for your site. Consider your niche for choosing the right news blogger template

    2. ur website theme is awesome bro pls send the link of ur theme

  7. ur website theme is awesome bro pls send the link of ur theme

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    2. Template Name: Ideas Mag
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  8. Slekkify Blogger template is really nice. Awsome collection. Here you can find more beautiful free templates for Blogger: Blogger Templates. Thanks for this post! Greetings

  9. Nice collection of blogger templates

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  11. nice
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  12. nice collection

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  15. very nice templates...thanks

  16. Thanks
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