How to make money with payoneer affiliate program
Making money from internet is not much easy in these days. Their are many ways of making money online over internet. Many people also make money from their blogs and sites through different sources like advertisement and other ways. Payoneer is well-known company that provide a MasterCard to their users which we can use it all over the globe where payoneer supported ATMs are available. Recently the also introduces their affiliate program. We can earn 25$ per referral.
To make money from payoneer affiliate program first you have to get approved payoneer account.
The one more amazing and interesting thing of payoneer affiliate program is that it give money to both. That if you refer your friend at payoneer then you and your friend both get 25$ free.
So to learn how to get approved payoneer account go here:
How to apply at payoneer to get approved
Read the above tutorial and create the account at payoneer.
Apply for payoneer affiliate program
When you apply for payoneer they email you in 3-4 business days telling you weather you get approved or declined. After getting approved at payoneer login to your payoneer account and at their at thier right side you should see something like this:
Just click on login and you will be taken to your affiliate account area where you will get your referral link.When you will get your referral link just send it to your friends and ask them to join and earn 25$
When they create account you both will get 25$.
When we recieve refferal payments
When anyone create account with your referral you will receive an email from payoneer telling you that some one created account with your referral. And saying to you that when your friend receive 100$ in his account then you and your referral will get 25$.
How to make money with payoneer affiliate program
Reviewed by Maher Afrasiab
5:15:00 pm
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