Is you can make money online fast with new site in 2014?

Is you can make money online fast with new site in 2014? Read this to know that how to make money online with site
make money online fast Now a days Blogging is a best way to make money on internet. But we should ignore that the competition in it is increasing day by day and now it is hard for new bloggers to make money from their blogs. As if we want to survive in this fast competition it require us to do hard work and should spend days and nights to work for your blog and to promote it.

When their is no traffic then we can not make money. Because traffic is directly proportional to money.  As our monthly traffic increases our earning also increasing. Therefore, if we want to make money from blog then our first goal should be traffic and to build a strong readership.

Patience: The first way to make money from blogging

Patience: The first way to make money from bloggingMost of the people start their blogging career and their main aim is to make money without understanding that if they want to make money then their first priority should be quality content for their survival to build traffic. 
They think that they start their blogging career today and tomorrow they start receiving tons of traffic to their blog like other popular blogs and not think that these giants started their blogging career from past 5-10 years and now they are receiving tons of traffic. We can not stand with them. 

To survive with these giants we should have to work hard for it and provide quality content to visitors to make our readership strong.

When you do work with patience and deliver a quality content to people then you should start building your readership slowly. But here in this stage many new bloggers again make mistake and think that now they start earning some bucks from it.

They apply for the Google adsense without thinking that adsense require a well-established site and get rejected from it. But if they get approved from it then they also can't earn enough from it because they have very low traffic and get dishearten and some may stop their blogging career.

And those who get rejected from adsense move ahead to other advertising networks and make their blog a ads market with pop ups and other irritating ads and ultimately loose their initial traffic and destroy blog and bloging career too.

Don't do the above mistake never. To make money from blogging it require a lot of patience and hard work. Let think that if you can't make your blog a advertising market and also not ad irritating ads like pop ups but then you also can't make money because you have very low traffic.

Other advertising networks like google adsense alternatives rather than Google adsense have very low CPM, CTR etc rates which can not meet with the low traffic and you hardly earn 3$-4$ or more per month with 5000-8000 monthly impressions. So, don't be hurry and be patience.

Honest Advice

As friend i honestly advice to all that not do much hurry in blogging as blogging is a slow food don't use it like fast food if you do it will become useless. Do more and more work on making your content better in quality.

When you start your blogging career then at least wait for 5-6 months before you start applying to any ad network.

I hope that you like article and find it helpful.If you got any question and want ask me then don't be hesitate.
The one more thing is that if you noticed that in my articles anywhere i providing any wrong info then must tell me.
Is you can make money online fast with new site in 2014? Is you can make money online fast with new site in 2014? Reviewed by Maher Afrasiab on 4:26:00 pm Rating: 5


  1. Nice blog really helpful for all who are looking for some ideas to earn money online ...I am here to share my experience about how do i earned money online by doing reseller business .Reseller is nothing but selling products or services of others by fixing high rate and earning money by getting commission from them . To do this business we need to have a reseller account ...I got this account from the vendor here they are providing two packages basic and pro reseller plan you can sign in one among them ...Once you signed in for account they will provide you with everything we need: products, support, even a professional web site.Our site comes online once we signed up .The process begin with select the products,set retailing prices for those products ,finally customize out website as we wish .We don't need to handle any billing or customer support all are in the hands of the dealer who render us the account .After selling those products they will return back the commission amount to us..I am earning enough money by this method.

    1. Thanks @sanjith for sharing your experience with us. :)


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