8 SEO factors which important than SSL for the best SEO

Is you obsess with SSL for the best SEO? Here are 8 SEO factors which are important than SSL for the best SEO
SEO factors which important than SSL for the best SEOWe may have to use combination of many seo factors, techniques and strategies to make our SEO healthy. We can't get the good position in the search results when we not consider every important google ranking factor for our seo. But its not mean that we obsess with the one ranking factor and ignore the others.

Nearly all the webmasters including I, when ever google introducing any new important ranking factor than we all are obsesses with it and don't think on others. 
Can't obsess with the one because we also have 100 other factors to think on them too as they also consider important for ranking.

Few days back, google introduces a new ranking signal, the sites who have SSL may rank more in the search result. After this announcement many webmasters become obsess with it and may ignore the other important ranking signals. We can also get better SERP without SSL as this is only one out of hundred.

Let's take a look on the some important SEO factors which are more important than SSL for the best SEO.

Push Content at First

Search engine crawlers crawl web pages very literally and linearly. Therefore, search engine give more importance to that which comes first. So to make crawlers crawl your content better try to push your content at the top and place the other links at the bottom. 

Let's consider if you have important content which placed below the Lot's of not much important images and links then google crawlers give more importance to the unnecessary rather than the targeted content the reason only is that you have placed it after Lot's of links and images. Therefore, always place your targeted content at first and then place other images and links.

Increase site load time

Every one now in hurry and want things get faster. If you have slow site loading speed which will take up to 6 seconds to load then i think no one stick around for seven to eight seconds and lost all patience, simply click on the cross button and move away to other tab. The another reason why we should increase our site load time is that google now also consider site load time in search engine ranking.

Try to increase your site load time as you can. Take a look at your site coding and style and remove all the coding which have not been used more as it is taking up the space and making your site load slower, simply remove it.
Wordpress users have some plugins through them they can increase their site load time. If you are a wordpress user then take a look at some wordpress plugins to speed up wordpress site.
The more faster your site the more faster it crawled the the crawlers.

Quality Backlinks

We can't ignore the importance of the quality backlinks as they can also boost our search engine ranking. Having a quality, relevant and coming from good site can outrank our site and provide us boost in SERP.

Always try to get good and relevant backlinks which can drive traffic for you and that can help you in SERP.
You also avoid building bad backlinks those which are coming from bad sites like gambling etc. and also the irrelevant backlinks to your content as they can help you in taking your site down in the eyes of google.

also see : 3 Easy ways to get free dofollow Backlinks 2014
also see : Is Backlinks are important to rank website higher?

Avoid Keyword Stuffing

We should have to avoid keyword stuffing. Avoid keyword stuffing as it is bad habit and also major seo mistake. To not look dumb your content you have to avoid keyword stuffing. I also avoid keyword stuffing as it is bad habit.

Look at the above paragraph!... What i did. The above paragraph has the stuffed keyword "avoid keyword stuffing" as it comes four times in three lines and only one time is enough for understanding. This is a simple demo of what we have to avoid. Most of the people stuffed the targeted keyword in order to get the attention of the google but now google becomes more complex and he simply kick out like that content.

Use relevant anchor text

For beginners who don't know what is anchor text, Anchor text is a text that has a hyperlink attached to it. Always use relevant anchor text for links as google will determine the relevancy of the link through his anchor text.
For example, if you have anchor text seo techniques which have a link which leads to car parts page then we say that it's  bad and irrelevant anchor text and google hate it and may gt you penalized.
Most of the people use unnatural or irrelevant anchor text to get better rank for the specified keyword which is used as a anchor text, but they might don't know what google may done with them.

Another mistake most of the people do is they create more that one link with the same anchor text. We also avoid this thing too as if you done this then you may face the google penalty. If you have any existing content with irrelevant anchor text then remove it now.

Broken links

What happen when you are doing some thing important and open a page and suddenly see a 404 error page! ohhh!... what the hell is this? yes we all say some thing like this. Google also get anger when he see the page like this.

Do some regular checking of your site and its content and keep checking for the broken links. If you find then thoroughly replace it with other alternative link. To check your site for the broken links there are also some best SEO tools you can try them.

Make Title and meta description Unique

I also agree with all of you that content is the king, but I also say that title also have Lot's of importance which matters in ranking your content for both search engines and for users and so is the meta description.
Make sure to make your title and meta description unique for every page of your site because they both describe your content to the search engine and the users.

Try to use the popular keywords and the the keywords which may act as a click magnet to the users. To find like that keywords you first have to do a little research for it and also may use some other ways with the google keyword planner. To get know how you can do right keyword research then this one may help you:

Use Consistent URLs

Some of the friends do a common mistake  that they not make their urls consistent means the url of the content is not same for the users, interlinking and for the xml sitemap. 

Always use same urls for the site pages everywhere. If you don't then when google see multiple urls are linking to the same page he think weather you are spamming and you may get penalized. If you still have any canonical urls in your stiemap or using in your internal linking then remove it now and update them with the same urls for all.

Final Words

Well these are the some important seo factors according to me which should be considered more important than SSL for the best seo. Let us know if you have any other more important seo factors which should given more importance than SSL. 
8 SEO factors which important than SSL for the best SEO 8 SEO factors which important than SSL for the best SEO Reviewed by Maher Afrasiab on 2:49:00 pm Rating: 5


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