Why should we buy web hosting from Hostgator?

is you looking for web hosting company? Read here Why should we buy web hosting from Hostgator? 
As every business require a hard work, energy and investment for its promotion online businesses like bloging and others also require all such things. First when you start creating your blog as a free from google blogger or wordpress, then you may not feel to buy a web hosting for it but when your little blog grows up and start getting the attention of people and search engines then you should have to buy a web hosting for it. So, before we start first understand that what is web hosting and its benefits.

what is web hosting and its benefits.

Generally term web hosting is getting online file storage space for your website where you put all of your websites files. You should also buy a web hosting for free blogs to like those blogs hosted on google blogger. Buying web hosting for free blogs can help in make your blog professional in way that you are become able to create the below several useful pages for your blog:
Sub Domains
and so on... 

Not just this by buying web hosting you also have free email accounts which will provide you a professional email address with your domain like this

 If you want to create your own forum like bulletin, phpbb etc then you also require a web hosting for it to host forum files.

And you also host a wordpress blog  on your hosting. And nearly all major wordpress blogs are hosted on there custom hosting.

Therefore, when you buy web hosting you get a lot of features which will help to promote your online business.

 Why should we buy web hosting from Hostgator? 

So now the question is why should we buy web hosting from hostgator and not from any other. Because hostgator provide some of the unique and excellent features that others lack. Below are the some of the best and unique features of hostgator which tell us that Why should we buy web hosting from Hostgator?

Cheap rates

Hostgator now providing the most cheap rates of hosting plans. They even offer 1 penny for first month of the hosting.

Best web hosting company

When i think about buying a web hosting then the first thing i do is open up the google and search for top 10 best web hosting companies. I open up many pages and on all of them i find hostgator. Means hostgator web hosting company. Then I open up the hostgator homepage and start researching at their. I have found many best hosting features. Their homepage is full of awards and achievements that speak for itself.

24/7 live chat service

Many web hosting companies does not offer this feature and if some offer this then thy don't have a good helping and also they can't help us anytime. But surprisingly hostgator is now providing 24/7 live chat service and at their we can do live chat at any time and get help from them.  They have excellent technical support for every user. With their excellent technical support we can ask anything to them and also get answered.

You don't need to manage your settings

The one more interesting feature is that their agents won't tell you what to do next they itself manage all your settings and don't need to do this hard work. They even setup your DNS and email settings FREE!.

What can you create after buying any hosting plan

You can create anything you want after buying hosting. But you can almost create anything easily by using several best software provided at hostgator control panel free. Some are here
  • Blog Software eg: Wordpress, LifeType
  • Forum Software
  • Gallery Software
  • Guestbook Software
  • Website Builder
  • Mail Software eg: xyz@mybloggertricks.com
  • Social Networking Software eg: Facebook, mySpace
  • Wiki Software
  • Survey Software
  • Billing Software
  • Chat Software
  • Directory Software
  • eCommerce Software
  • So on...

Want to get discount on any hosting plan of hostator?

Hostgator provide many discount offers at every occasion. If you register now at hostgator and use the below coupon code then you will get 25% discount on any purchase.
Click this link and try it.
f you are buying a hosting for just one year or two years then using the following coupon will give you $9.94 OFF
Click this link and try it.

Final words

Now its time to ends up. Tomorrow i will write a detailed post on what hosting plan is better for blogs and for other sites and also  tell you which how many years you register to get more benefits from hostgator. 

In my next posts i will try to collect out some of the best discounts on hostgator plans and share them with you. If you have any confusion or doubt then please clarify it by commenting below. I will try to reply and help you within 24 hours.

Why should we buy web hosting from Hostgator? Why should we buy web hosting from Hostgator? Reviewed by Maher Afrasiab on 9:48:00 am Rating: 5


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