SEO Tutorial for beginners 2015 With Video urdu/hindi

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SEO Video tutorial URDU/HINDI 2015 for beginners(Youtube)

SEO Video tutorial URDU/HINDI 2015 for beginners(Dailymotion)

SEO Tutorial for beginners Introduction urdu-hindi by Maher Afrasiab

Why I start this Course?

why started this course WHY?!! Because many of the new bloggers and newbies have a big problem in doing the right seo.

OK, come to point, the first and solid reason to create this course is to teach the newbie brothers and sisters. The course which the MOZ and other brands provide are very good but the type of there teaching is very high and the persons like you and me and the newbies can't understand that courses.

That's why I am going to create this course to teach you about SEO in easy way with video lecture.

What is SEO

Hmm.. SEO (Search Engine Optimization). I think all of you have a basic concept about SEO that by this we can make the search engines to index and show our website in there search results.

Is You use Auto softwares related to SEO

NO, NO and NEVER!!. In which age are you living! The time has gone when these type of software are good to use. Now the world has changed and google's crawler become more and more clever then you. And if you use them then it will come to black hat SEO and no one will rescue you from google penalty.

Note:  Talk more about Google penalties in upcoming lectures.

Hail! to Big G (Google)

Hail to Google because now Google is the KING! and all the SEO course is 98% around the Google's policies. About 70% shares are belongs to Google and other 30% to others like bing etc. I bet you that everyone from you have Google the default search engine and every time use google for searching. After google roll out its penalties, google cleaned its search results from spammers about 90%. The remain 10% will be cleaned after some time :p

Categories of SEO

The SEO experts have sub-divided the SEO into two parts:
  • on page SEO
  • Off page SEO

 One page SEO

In on page seo all you have to do is on your site panel. The important things which included in on page seo are:
  1. Keyword research( By this you will  do a research on keywords which are most searched on google in your niche(site topic).by this you come to know that how much competition are there in that keyword.
  2. Title( The title of your blog post or site or site content page. The keyword which you get from your keyword research is used in you Title)
  3. Meta description(The meta tag which describe your web page or blog post to search engine that what type of content your page have)
  4. Quality Content(This is more important: CONTENT IS THE KING. Always try to write quality and long content)

Off page seo

In off page seo all you have to do off from your site's dashboard. The important things which are included in on page seo are:
  1. Backlinks (These are the links from other sites to your site. This will tell the google that how other site's think about your site. More you have quality backlinks more chances to get top positions)
  2. Social Signals(They are the fb likes,comments and shares, google+ +1s,comments and shares, twitter tweets, retweets and comments. Same is the case with other popular social networks. Social signals also tell the search engine or GOOGLE that how people treat with your content or site. More likes, +1s and tweets more chances to get top positions. following post will help you to get more twitter retweets:)
  3. Domain Authority(This is the authority of your domain on the internet. As your site gets old and getting more traffic especially from google more is your Domain authority. And higher the DA more chances to get top positions)
  4. Alexa Ranking( this is the world alexa rank of your site compared to other sites. following posts will help you to increase your alexa ranking
NOTE: I will discuss both on page and off page seo in details with video in upcoming lectures.
this is just Intro :)

Tools for SEO

These tools are not automatic softwares but these tools are those which are recommended by Google and from experts:
  1. Google Keyword tool (Will help you to do keyword research on your niche. This is tool from google and tell you the total searches of any keyword per month. And also tells the competition of keywords. (Will discuss more about it in Keyword research topic.))
  2. Google Webmaster Tools ( This is tool where you add your site and make your site more index able by google. Will discuss about it completely in next coming lecture of seo tutorial for beginners with video urdu/hindi.)
  3. Mozbar( This is a browser tool bar from MOZ. You can add this tool from here. This tool will tell you domain and page authority of any website. This will also tell you backlinks but this feature is under construction. This also tells you social signals.)
  4. Ahrefs (This is a tool to check the backlinks of any website and page. will discuss it in Backlinks topic)
  5. And many more...

 Final Words

I hope that you like this SEO Tutorial for beginners With Video - Introduction. This is just intro of seo which i give you to understanding about seo. Hope this seo tutorial is helpful for beginners. And they get good understanding about seo for beginners.
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SEO Tutorial for beginners 2015 With Video urdu/hindi SEO Tutorial for beginners 2015 With Video urdu/hindi Reviewed by Maher Afrasiab on 7:36:00 pm Rating: 5


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