How to add Highlight/Feature Posts on Blogger new method no coding!

If you are my regular reader then you may know that previously I have shared with you some new blogger updates which they make during this year 2015. The first update they done is they just make the blogger layout tab more user friendly and then they added more coding variables and functions which make the template coding of blogger more easily and then they just add the drag and drop image function in the posts editor.
How to Highlight/Feature Posts new method no coding!

And Now here I come with another update from google blogger which will let you to highlight or feature any of your post in homepage or anywhere else without any coding. Just as simple as you add the default popular post widget. YES! Now blogger added a new widget to blogger which will feature blogger posts and highlight these blogger posts on homepage or anywhere else you want.

How to Highlight/Feature Posts new method no coding!

So here I am going to tell you guys how you can add this new cool feature to your blogger blog. So let's start:
  • First go to Blogger dashboard and then click on Layout tab
  • Now click on the Add a Gadget link.
  • Now you will find the featured post widget at the second position or if it not appear at first place just scroll down little bit and you should find it.
  • Simple click on it and then you will see the configure widget page where you can select your desired post which you want to feature on your blog.
  • You can also choose weather to add the image or not. If not just uncheck the tick mark. And if you want not to show the title of the post then just uncheck the tick mark. 
  • And then now simply click on the save button and you are done.

NOTE:If you want to place this featured post on just the homepage at the top as I do on PakMax then simply drag the widget to the blog posts main widget and drop it just above the main blog posts widget.

Now you have added this new cool feature but here is the one problem. You may notice that the design of the widget is weired. I will post a new design of this widget which will look more good and presentable so that it will merge with your blog's design. So for now enjoy this new feature.
How to add Highlight/Feature Posts on Blogger new method no coding! How to add Highlight/Feature Posts on Blogger new method no coding! Reviewed by Maher Afrasiab on 3:48:00 pm Rating: 5


  1. good post .thanks for post .

  2. Thanks for sharing these useful information! This is really interesting information for me.


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