My Experience with Infolinks, Review 2018 [Very Bad Results!]

Today in this post I am going to write down my experience with Infolinks. Yes! I used the infolinks ads service on one of my website which is on Mobiles Prices you can check here(Mobile Prices in Pakistan). I am getting a very decent traffic on my that site and I think that I should use the Infolinks along with the adsense to get some extra bucks.

I already knew that the services other that adsense only pays you good when you have good traffic. Because most of the services are CPM and if there are CPC ads networks then they have too low CPCs that the blogger with low traffic just get $1 maybe in one month. YES! I am serious they usually pays 0.01 or 0.03 per click which is worse. And we know that the new bloggers not get good traffic so they also not get the good amount of clicks and CPM. This is the reason most of the bloggers desire for the adsense because adsense pays much better then others. In my experience with adsense sometimes I also receive $4 - $6 per click which is pretty amazing :)

Come to the main topic about my experience with infolinks. I have a very worse experience with infolinks. It just sucks.

MY Earning report

So, first let me show you my infolinks statistics of earning. Which will also blows your mind. Below in the image you can see the amount of page views and the number of ads impressions which are pretty decent and on the other side the earning I earned from these ad views. 

Last week Report

In the below image you can see that I have got almost 1100+ pages views every day and on the other side the earnings on daily bases are not more that 0.03 or 0.04 just some times. These results are far from the adsense results. At the end of the week I got 8,387 net page views and 4,846 ad views and I just earned $0.21 (what the hell) they did not give me even one dollar for 8000+ pages. This is just horrible. 

My Last month Report

After the last week report which is pretty worst :p now I am going to show you my last month report which will also blow up your mind. Below you can see that I got 30,000+ Page Views in my last month and see the earnings which is only $1.01. It means that with infolinks you get $1 of every 30,000+ page views. It's just hilarious. This shows how bad the infolinks service is.

My Last three Months Report

Ok after seeing the pretty pretty worst + worst results of last week and then last month results. Now here comes the big one. My Last three Months Report. Yes! the thing here I tell you that the site on which I applied the infolinks ads is my new site which is not even a year old it is of may be 6 months old and I started getting good amount of traffic which is increasing everyday. (Allahamdulillah)
Below you can see that I got 63,685 net page views and 38,662 Ad views which is I think a big amount of traffic and it should give me a good earning but again the infolinks shows his bad service and see I just got $3 (I just say: What the F**k) Are they kidding. Seriously I am not expecting these kind of results. 

I am not Quiting the Infolinks because...

Yes! I am not QUITING the infolinks because... I have already deleted the infolinks ads code from my site. Sorry! about the above heading which pranked most of you. But I have done this just to add some humour (ok, yes I do this to get more attention from you :( )

My Experience your Advice

after experiencing this kind of result and you guys after seeing the above results automatically get the advice it self that not to use Infolinks they just sucks and nothing else. And if some of you guys not get the advice then yes. the infolinks site is still up on server and you can create a account for FREE! go and register and see the results what you get from infolinks. 

Why I not quit from infolinks earlier and why I am doing now

The question may poping in your mind that why I now quit from the infolinks earlier and why I am doing this now then here is the answer. Mostly I am very busy and the lazy too that at my first week with infolinks I don't even see that what report is. But when I see the first month infolinks earning report first I get shock after seeing the results but then I thought that maybe its my first month that's why I got these results but then in the second month again i see these bad results then I thought that I should quit from infolinks then I came up with idea about creating a post about my experience with infolinks so, for that I keep using the infolinks for the third month to get the three months report. 
Yes this is the whole reason why I quit now and not earlier. 

After getting these results I should not use the infolinks on any of my website ever. And I advise you that you should also not use, if you do then you may have bad results like me. Do share this experience with others to let the other people see what infolinks gives you

My Experience with Infolinks, Review 2018 [Very Bad Results!] My Experience with Infolinks, Review 2018 [Very Bad Results!] Reviewed by Maher Afrasiab on 2:52:00 pm Rating: 5


  1. Hey Maher,

    Great Review, but I have few questions in my mind after reading this.

    I want to know, whether Infolinks is good for small blogs or sites having visitors around 4-5k monthly?

    Will it work converting those visitors into some secondary income or I am also thinking about using CPA network?

    Which should I use for best secondary income? CPA or InfoLinks?


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