Blogger Template Development Tutorial

Do you want to develop your custom template for your Blogger based blog ? Do you tried to find useful learning resources without success ?

Well it is correct that, blogger template development is not a common topic people may talk about. Comparing to other blogging environment like WordPress, the Blogger developers community is a little narrow.

The skills required for this are pretty much obvious for any web developer. You need basic knowledge in XML, CSS, HTML and Javascript !! When all those are combined in a single page we call that page is made by XHTML code.

In order to create your own Blogger template, you should start with understanding how Blogger works ? .. Here is a descriptive flowchart for its mechanism :

That XHTML code going to be stored into Blogger's database, and then it will be "parsed" whenever a request is coming from users browser.

At this point one can figure out the very basic layout structure for any Blogger template :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns='' xmlns:b='' xmlns:data='' xmlns:expr=''>

Here, we simply define the global structure of the HTML page will be generated as well as the naming rules of Blogger XML elements that we gonna include to it. In this example we defined the xmlns (XML Namespace) which are defined by Google for use with Blogger. Here is the list of them with their roles:

  • xmlns:b to access the blogger elements (you can change it to anything you want .. like for example xmlns:blog).
  • xmlns:data to access the blog data stored in the database. (here is a complete list of data available via this command)
  • xmlns:expr is used to calculate expression of attributes (we will come to this in details)
Blogger Sections

Now as we prepared the basic layout of the whole blog pages. We should, next, design its body structure. The body structure of any page in the blog could be spliced into "sections"

The above image show's you the most popular structures used. Different blue area are the sections we are talking about. 
A section in blogger is defined as the following :

<b:section class="" id="" maxwidgets="" showaddelement=""> 

Its only a "definition" for a section. Each attribute will carry specific information for the blogger parser :

  • id (required): A unique name using only letters and numbers.
  • class (optional): most used names are 'header', 'footer','main','sidebar'.
  • maxwidgets (optional): define the maximum number of widgets that accept this section. If nothing specified will be no limits.
  • showaddelement (optional): has two possible values, either 'yes' or 'no'. The next snapshot will explain better its role.

  • growth (optional): has two possible values, either 'horizontal' or 'vertical' and 'vertical' as default value (if nothing specified). It define the way widgets will be arranged within the section.

Note: There must be at least two b:section otherwise blogger will throw an error.

Blogger Widgets

As we already mention, sections will contain no more HTML code. It will contain rather a widgets elements which will be the responsible of showing content into the screen. A widget element in blogger has the following syntax:

<b:widget id='' locked='' mobile='' title='' pageType='' type='' />

Where the attributes are:

  • id (required): A unique name.
  • type (required): define what type of widget it is. Its value must be one of the following types list: 'BlogArchive', 'Blog', 'Feed', 'Header', 'HTML', 'SingleImage', 'LinkList', 'List', 'Logo', 'BlogProfile', 'Navbar', 'VideoBar', 'NewsBar'. 'FollowByEmail'.
  • locked (optional): has two possible values, either 'yes' or 'no'. if 'yes' the widget can not be deleted or moved from the page element.
  • title: (optional): A title for the widget to be displayed in the layout editor.
  • pageType (optional): has the following possible values: 'all', 'archive', 'main', 'item'. Is to specify a page type where to show the widget content. The default value is 'all' which show it in all the blog pages.
  • mobile (optional): has the following possible values: 'yes', 'no', 'only' and 'default' as a default value. Note that if 'default' is set there only the following widgets type will be displayed: 'Header', 'Blog', 'Profile', 'PageList', 'AdSense'.

Typical Section-Widgets Code

<b:section id="sidebar" class="sidebar" maxwidgets="" showaddelement="yes">
<b:widget id='CustomSearch1' title='Search' type='CustomSearch' locked='false'/>
<b:widget id='FollowByEmail1' title='Follow By Email' type='FollowByEmail' locked='false' />
<b:widget id='PopularPosts1' locked='false' title='Popular On Relatemein' type='PopularPosts'/>
<b:widget id='Label1' type='Label' locked='false' />
Blogger Template Development Tutorial Blogger Template Development Tutorial Reviewed by mytuny on 3:58:00 pm Rating: 5


  1. What is the flowchart tool you used to create this? is it creately ?

  2. Nice post. Thanks. I want to get designed a unique template for my blog. Would help me.

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